“Pkeila” (Spinach Soup)


I    A special holidays meal. Concentrated spinach sauce, a base for soups, and stews. It is best when made from wild spinach but it could be made from other types of spinach, kale, or any thick green leaves. When made correctly it could last for years and one table spoon of it could be used to make the soup or the stew. We eat this on holidays and some shabats on top of couscous or rice.

      Margarine (one bar for every 2lb of spinach)
      1 tsp Salt (if you use "wild grown spinach from the hills of israel you may skip the salt)

   Olive Oil
   Green Peas

Wash the spinach and fill it in a big pot. Put on low heat until it shrivels and dries (best if it is crisped). It should become very small amount once all the water dries. Now, add the margarine and mix well. It should become thick green paste. Pout in a jar, cover and seal it. It is best kept in the refrigerator, but I have seen people saving it in a pantry for a long time.
Saute the onion and garlic. Mix with one TBSP of spinach and add 3 TBSPs of olive oil. Add 2 cups of water and the green peas. Bring to boil and simmer. We usually serve it in a bawl next to the plate of rice or couscous and pour it with a spoon on top of rice or couscous one spoon at a time.